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Over the last 15 years my wife and I have had 9 Christmases while were living in Muslim countries. Guess what? Most of the Muslims that you meet in these countries wish you a Merry Xmas and many will give a gift.
Remember, although Muslims don't celebrate Xmas they recognise that Christians do and understand that we will celebrate it.
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While living in the Middle East, we found that the average Kuwait and Saudi will tolerate the Xmas celebrations as long as they are subdued and respectful of the majority Muslim population.
While living in Tripoli a few years ago, almost all of the Libyans that we knew phoned to wish us a Merry Xmas and while we were out shopping the shop keepers were wishing us a Merry Xmas as we shopped.
So, when these politically correct idiots suggest that we water down the Christmas celebrations in Australia or ANY Christian country tell them to SOD OFF and get a life. If my wife and I can celebrate Xmas openly in many Muslim countries where we have lived, why can't we celebrate it in Australia??